
Book of abstracts

Program. For a quick view follow this link

Monday, September 2

Venue: Real Fábrica de Tabaco




Session 1. Chaired by M. V. Ganduglia-Pirovano (ICP-CSIC, Madrid, Spain)

17:30-18:15 KEY LECTURE 1 – Nuria López (ICIQ, Tarragona, Spain): CO2 electrocatalytic conversion from first principles

18:15-19:00 KEY LECTURE 2 – Manos Mavrikakis (University of Wisconsin, USA): On the nature of the active site in heterogeneous catalysis





Tuesday, September 3

Venue: C. Mutis Building

8:30-9.00 Registration

Session 2. Chaired by F. Illas (Universitat de Barcelona, Spain)

9:00-9:45 KEY LECTURE 3 – Gianfranco Pacchioni (Università Milano-Bicocca, Italy): Can we predict the properties of single-atom catalysts?

9:45 Ning Cao (University of Oslo, Norway): Probing Cu(II)–oxyl Formation Mechanisms: Insights from Combined Static and Dynamic Calculations

10:05 Alexander Kolganov (Delft University of Technology, Netherlands): Unravelling the active site in supported organometallic catalysts via automated configurational space exploration

10:25 Gerard Bru (Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Tarragona, Spain): Insights into metal-catalysed reverse Water-Gas Shift reaction through reactive force fields




Session 3. Chaired by A. Roldan (Cardiff University, UK)

11:30-12:00 FOCUS TOPIC 1 – Marie Laure Bocquet (CNRS, Paris, France): Reactivity of functionalized graphene with Single Atom Catalyst in liquid water: an ab initio dynamic study

12:00 Michael Badawi (Université de Lorraine, Metz, France): Accessing accurate activation energies for catalysis with Machine Learning Thermodynamic Perturbation Theory

12:20 Hector Prats (University of Oxford, UK): Computational design of carbide-based catalysts for efficient CH4 and CO2 conversion

12:40 Dipanshu Kumar (IMC-Radboud University, Nijmegen, Netherlands): Hybrid QM:QM methods for adsorption of ethanol in H-MFI

13:00 Ruben Pérez (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Madrid, Spain): Defect identification in Ceria systems with High Resolution Atomic Force Microscopy, Simulations and water markers


13:20 LUNCH


Session 4. Chaired by S. Pipolo (Université de Lille, France)

15:00-15:30 EMERGING RESEARCHER – Romain Reocreux (CNRS, Paris, France): Ten-Electron Count Rule and Atomic Charges rationalise the Catalytic Properties of Single-Atom Alloy Catalysts

15:30 Jingcheng Guan (University College London, UK): Theoretical Developments in Py-ChemShell for Calculating Anharmonic Vibrational Signatures of Catalysts

15:50 Pablo Lustemberg (Instituto de Catálisis y Petroleoquímica-CSIC, Madrid, Spain): Unraveling the Role of Peroxo Species in Surface Chlorine Transformation during HCl Oxidation on CeO2−x(111)

16:10 Fabian Berger (University of Cambridge, UK): Two are Better than One: Exploring Single and Dual Active Sites in the Novel Material Class of Highly Dispersed Ternary Alloys





Session 5. Chaired by A. Drzewiecka-Matuszek (Inst. Catal., Krakow, Poland)

17:00 José M. González-Acosta (Institute of Chemical Research of Catalonia-ICIQ, Tarragona, Spain): Ultra-high Metal Loading Heterogeneous Single Atom Catalysts based on Palladium-Phthalocyanine Covalent Organic Frameworks for CrossCoupling Reactions

17:10 Joshua Sims (ENS de Lyon, France): Morphology of Ru nanoparticles at titania-water interface – A computational study

17:20 Samantha McIntyre (University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand): Electroreduction of NO3- to N2 on Pt(111) and Pd(111) Surfaces

17:30 Weitian Li (University of Oxford, UK): Elucidating the Reactivity of Oxygenates on Single-Atom Alloy Catalysts

17:40 Rafał Stottko (Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, Poland): Can Machine Learning Predict the Reaction Paths in Catalytic CO2 Reduction on Small Cu/Ni Clusters?

17:50 Fileto Rodríguez (Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium): Unraveling Silicate Cluster Formation: Cutting-Edge Insights from Theoretical Spectroscopy

18:00 Eleonora Romeo (Universitat de Barcelona, Spain): Analyzing Activity and Selectivity Trends for NO Hydrogenation Using "Catalytic Matrices"


Wednesday, September 4


Session 6. Chaired by R. Pérez (Univ. Autónoma de Madrid, Spain)

9:00-9:45 KEY LECTURE 4 – María Verónica Ganduglia-Pirovano (Instituto de Catálisis y Petroleoquímica-CSIC, Madrid, Spain): Breaking Scaling Relations through Metal-Oxide Interactions on Metal-CeO2 Interfaces: Implications for the Conversion of Methane to Fuels

9:45 Georgi Vayssilov (University of Sofia, Bulgaria): Carbon Monoxide Oxidation on Platinum Species Supported on Cerium Dioxide – Density Functional Study

10:05 Michael Walter (University of Freiburg, Germany): CO2 hydrogenation mechanism on inverse ZnO/Cu catalysts

10:25 Pablo Gamallo (Universitat de Barcelona, Spain): DFT-based kMC simulations of CO2 hydrogenation in Ni4/CeO2 catalyst. The role of Eley-Rideal reactions




Session 7. Chaired by M. L. Bocquet (CNRS, Paris, France)

11:30-12:00 FOCUS TOPIC 2 – Mercedes Boronat (Instituto de Tecnología Química UPV-CSIC, Valencia, Spain): Approaching enzymatic catalysis with zeolites: an ab initio and experimental study of alkylaromatics competing reactions

12:00 Torstain Fjermestad (University of Oslo, Norway): Synergy between experiment and multiscale modelling to gain insight into the zeolite catalyzed methanol-to-DME reaction

12:20 Martine Castella-Venture (CNRS, Paris, France): Theoretical Study of the Steric Hindrance Effects on Methyl Pyridine Derivatives Adsorption in H-ZSM5 Zeolite

12:40 Stepan Sklenak (Heyrovsky Institute of Physical Chemistry, Prague, Czech Republic): Mechanism of the direct oxidation of methane to methanol by dioxygen on the distant binuclear Fe(II) cationic sites over the zeolite of the ferrierite topology

13:00 Dorota Rutkowska-Zbik (Haber Institute of Catalysis and Surface Chemistry, Krakow, Poland): Is the ability of distant metal ions to activate dioxygen specific only for zeolite materials?


13:20 LUNCH


Session 8. Chaired by J. M. Ricart (Univ. Rovira i Virgili, Tarragona Spain)

15:00-15:30 EMERGING RESEARCHER – John Mark Martirez (Princeton Plasma Physics Lab., USA): Quantum mechanical insights into light-driven reactions on metallic nanoparticles

15:30 Sai Sharath Yadavalli (University of Oxford, UK): Elucidating the role of potassium in methane steam reforming using first-principles-based kinetic Monte Carlo simulations

15:50 Stefano Vaghi (Università degli Studi dell'Insubria - Sorbonne University, Como, Italy): Revisiting intermediates and mechanism producing (MMA-ran-DMAEMA)n copolymers via ARGET-ATRP catalyzed by Cu complexes

16:10 Luis Enrique Sansores (UNAM, Ciudad de México, México): A study of the absortion of Li on γ–graphyne monolayers materials doped with X (X=N, B, P, Al, and Si) heteroatom




Session 9. Chaired by A. Kolganov (Delft Univ. Technology, Netherlands)


17:00 Simone Puricelli (Università degli Studi dell'Insubria, Como, Italy): Kinetic influences on a process considered under thermodynamical control: acid resin catalysed self- and cross-aldolic condensation of cyclic ketones

17:10 Henning Windeck (Humboldt University Berlin, Germany): Internal H–Bond Formation of Brønsted Acid Sites in the Zeolites H–MOR, H–FER, and H–MFI: Predictions of Structures and Stabilities beyond DFT

17:20 Christopher Mills (University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand): Elucidating the Electrolytes Involved in the Solvation of Vanadium Ions in the Catalytic Reactions within Redox Flow Batteries

17:30 Julian Beßner (Universität Ulm, Germany): Theoretical evaluation of CuFeO2 and CuBi2O4 as possible catalysts for N2 Reduction

17:40 Roberth M. Narvaez (Vrije University Brussel, Auderghem, Belgium): Adsorption and spectra validation studies through DFT of Metal-Phosphonate properties in NU-1000 structure

17:50 Eduardo Oliveira (Universitat Jaume I, Castelló, Spain): Exploring the Formation of Reactive Oxygen Species on Amorphous Silica Through DFT-MD


19:30 Visit to the Reales Alcázares


Thursday, September 5


Session 10. Chaired by F. Viñes (Universitat de Barcelona, Spain)

9:00-9:45 KEY LECTURE 5 – Stephan Steinmann (ENS de Lyon, France): Computational Heterogeneous Electrocatalysis: From Developments to Applications

9:45 Liana Savintseva (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany): Theoretical insight into the mechanism of Shono electrocatalytic oxidation

10:05 Bartek Szyja (Wrocław University of Science and Technology, Wrocław, Poland): Ru-pincer complexes as charge transfer mediators in CO2 electroreduction

10:25 Isabela Man (Institute of Organic and Supramolecular Chemistry, Bucharest, Romania): Exploring the activity of the graphene quantum dots (GQDs) for the electrochemical Oxygen Reduction Reaction using DFT




Session 11. Chaired by J. F. Paul (Université de Lille, France)

11:30-12:00 FOCUS TOPIC 3 – Feliu Maseras (Institute of Chemical Research of Catalonia-ICIQ, Tarragona, Spain): Selected examples in multimetallic homogeneous catalysis

12:00 Adarsh Kalikadien (Delft University of Technology, Netherlands): Automated homogeneous catalyst design: Navigating the catalytic chemical space (and getting lost in the forest?)

12:20 J. Oscar Jiménez-Halla (Universidad de Guanajuato, México): Activation of Small Molecules and Catalytic Activity in the Formation of Heterocycles Mediated by Boron

12:40 Estefanía Fernández-Villanueva (Instituto de Catálisis y Petroleoquímica-CSIC, Madrid, Spain): Elucidating the reaction mechanism of selective CO2 hydrogenation to methanol over Cu/MgO catalysts: Synergistic effects of water and Cu+

13:00 Julen Munárriz (Universidad de Zaragoza, Spain): A Quantum Chemical Topology perspective on Ammonia Fixation via Metal-Ligand Cooperation


13:20 LUNCH


Session 12. Chaired by D. Rutkowska-Zbik (Inst. Catal., Krakow, Poland).

15:00-15:30 EMERGING RESEARCHER – Ángel Morales (Universidad de Barcelona, Spain): Influence of Water in the structure and the band edges of photoactive titania nanoparticles: Implications in Photocatalysis

15:30 Albert Solé-Daura (Institute of Chemical Research of Catalonia-ICIQ, Tarragona, Spain): Applying the Marcus theory to estimate the kinetics of energy-transfer events in photocatalysis

16:50 Auguste Tetenoire (CNRS, Rennes, France): Simulation of photoinduced reaction of CO oxidation on Ru(0001) 

16:10 Tobias Schäfer (TU Wien, Vienna, Austria): Coupled Cluster Theory for Solids: Applying the “gold standard” of Quantum Chemistry to Heterogeneous Catalysis


16:30 COFEE BREAK and POSTER SESSION to take place in the School of Chemistry building (Facultad de Química)


21:00 Conference dinner 


Friday, September 6


Session 13. Chaired by M. Boronat (ITQ-CSIC , Valencia, Spain)

9:00-9:45 KEY LECTURE 6 – Anastassia Alexandrova (UCLA, Los Angeles, USA): Interfacial fluxionality in electrocatalysis: in and out of equilibrium

9:45 Lucas García-Verga (Imperial College London, UK): Exploring Adsorption Site Ensembles on Equimolar Bimetallic Oxides

10:05 Oliver Loveday (Institute of Chemical Research of Catalonia-ICIQ, Tarragona, Spain): Automated Chemical Reaction Network Generation for Heterogeneous Catalysis

10:25 Reisel Millan (Instituto de Tecnologia Quimica UPV-CSIC, Valencia, Spain): Mobility of solvated Cu cations in Cu-CHA predicted by machine learning accelerated molecular dynamics




Session 14. Chaired by Javier Fdez. Sanz (Universidad de Sevilla, Spain)

11:30-12:00 FOCUS TOPIC 4 – Miguel Ángel San-Miguel (Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Brasil): Computational Insights into Semiconductor Materials for Reactive Oxygen Species Generation

12:00 Michael Higham (University College London, Abingdon, UK): Mechanism of NH3 Synthesis on Fe3Mo3N(111)

12:20 Fernando Ruette (IVIC, Caracas, Venezuela): Molecular hydrogen interaction with a maghemite (001) surface. Physisorption and reduction by vacancy formations. A theoretical study using the DFT method

12:40 Alberto Roldan (Cardiff University, UK): Advances in the Rational Approach for Modelling Supported Catalysts




List of posters:


Selective Catalytic Reduction of Nitrogen Oxides with Ammonia over Cu-CHA and Fe-BEA Zeolite

Jamal Abdul Nasir, Department of Chemistry, UCL, UK


Investigation of the Water Splitting Reaction on Photoactive ZnO Surfaces in the Excited State

Miquel Alles Coll, Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain


Triazole-based scaffolds: a multifaceted topological approach of reactivity

Daniel Barrena Espés, Universidad de Oviedo, Oviedo, Spain


Bringing Molecules Together: Coadsorption at Dopant Sites of Single Atom Alloys

Fabian Berger, University of Cambridge, UK


Ab-initio molecular dynamics to study the fluxionality of metal nanoclusters: Pt8 as a case of study

Ramón Bergua, Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea (UPV/EHU, Donostia, Spain


Computational Mechanistic Analysis of Catalyzed CO2 Cycloaddition: Impact of the Catalyst Structure on Efficiency

Anna Cholewinska, Universitat Rovira I Virgili, Tarragona, Spain


Effects of Pd dopping and oxygen vacancy on CO2 hydrogenation over

Pd/In2O3 Surface

M. D. Lessa, Fluminense Federal University, Niteroi, Brasil


Theoretical investigation of the reactivity of Lewis acidity of extra- framework a luminium sites in H-ZSM-5

Annika Enss, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen, Germany


Optimization and Analysis of Nanoalloys: Introducing the NanoParticleLibrary for Computational Studies

R. Farris, Universitat de Barcelona, Spain


Accurate Adsorption Free Energies of Oxygen-Containing Species on Pt(111) Surface: Beyond Harmonic Oscillator Approximation

Thanh-Nam Huynh, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen, Germany


N-doped GQDs for ORR - a theoretical approach

Raluca I. Jalba, Institute of Organic and Supramolecular Chemistry, Bucharest, Romania


Removal of a pharmaceutical pollutant from wastewater by heterogenous photocatalysis TiO2 under solar light irradiation 

Fairouz Kies, Ecole Nationale Polytechnique, Algiers, Algeria


Revealing the Unique Role of Water in the Formation of Benzothiazoles

Dispanshu Kumar, IMC-Radboud University, Nijmegen, Netherlands


Quantum chemical modeling of Oxygen Evolution Reaction Pathways Mediated by Co1-xFexO4 oxide clusters 

Isabela Man, Institute of Organic and Supramolecular Chemistry, Bucharest, Romania


Structure and oxidation properties of Pt-Zr binary nanoclusters

Luis M. Molina, Universidad de Valladolid, Spain


Artificial Intelligence-Driven Materials for Solar Thermochemical Hydrogen Generation

Laura Molina Nogal, Instituto de Catálisis y Petroleoquímica-CSIC, Madrid, Spain


Temperature Trend for Anharmonic Corrections to the Free Energy of Adsorption of Methanol over H-SSZ-13 Probed by DFT-based MD and Thermodynamic Integration

Bassim Mounssef Jr., Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen, Germany


Real-Time Formulation of Atomistic Electromagnetic Models for Plasmonics

S. Pipolo, Université de Lille, France


Unlocking the Catalytic Chemistry Behind Bio-Based Reductive Amination

Max Quayle, Cardiff University, UK


Understanding how water affects excited states in Titania Nanosclusters using Nonadiabatic Molecular Dynamics Simulations: Implications in Photocatalysis

Miguel Recio Poo, Universitat de Barcelona, Spain


Organic photosensitizers for photocatalytic reduction of CO2: mapping the landscape of their photoactivated excited states

Maria del Mar Reguero, Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Tarragona, Spain


Role of non-metal doping on the formation doped and reduced titania: nanostructures: (TiO2)84 nanoparticle as a case of study

Elena R. Remesal, Universidad de Sevilla, Spain


Mechanism of N2O decomposition catalysed by Cu-exchanged zeolites

Miguel Ródenas, Instituto de Tecnologia Quimica UPV-CSIC, Valencia, Spain


A DFT study of the mechanism of CO2 methanation on Ru-based catalysts

Álvaro Royo De Larios, Instituto de Tecnología Química UPV-CSIC, Valencia, Spain


Flexibility of Na-Y faujasite zeolite upon water adsorption/desorption: application of GCMC & Machine Learning Potentials

Agnieszka Seremak, University of Oslo, Norway


Structure and oxidation properties of Pt-Zr binary nanoclusters

Enrico Sireci, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen, Germany


Small molecule reactivity for Catalysis on organic-coated gold nano-objects

Auguste Tetenoire, CNRS, Rennes, France


Molecular modelling study of the ozone-iodide reaction

Lilian Weitzel Coelho Paes, Universidade Federal Fluminense, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil